The Penable Award 2020

Hey doll hey! How’s your day/night going? Great I hope. I’m feeling a bit better today, my pain level is around a 5 1/2 and my energy level is steady today…. perhaps I’ll make some donuts today??

I’ve been nominated for The Penable Award 2020! I feel honored to be nominated for this award. Thank you so much Alex for nominating me.


1. Tag your post with the #penableaward

2. Display the Penable award logo (above) on your post and follow Penable if you haven’t already

3. Thank the person that nominated you

4. Tell us what your writing talent is

5. Answer three questions that you have been asked

6. Nominate three inspiring people for this award

7. Let them know of their nomination

8. Give them three new questions to answer!

My nominator is Alex from You and Me and a Cup of Coffee . She has a great blog that I can’t get enough of. She does monthly movie reviews that are pretty amazing.

My Writing Talent: I don’t really know what my “Talent” is but I do believe people come to my blog because I’m open and honest about my mental and physical illnesses and also because they like the information I provide when it comes to makeup.

Questions for the Nominees:

  1. Where do you draw the inspiration for writing?

Answer: Everyday life. I let my illness dictate what I write for the day … on bad days I write about what it’s like having Fibromyalgia, PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety and on better days I may still write about those things but I also like to post about makeup related stuff too…. on those days I draw my inspiration from everywhere I can …. I’m a makeup sponge …. I get inspiration from YouTube, Instagram, Pintrest, and even Facebook and Twitter. If the inspiration doesn’t strike me from those social media sites I just simple surf the web until I’ve found something that I would like to recreate. Then there are times when I just see an eye palette’s color story and the shades speak to me and a look is born.

  1. Is there a book or story that you’ve read and thought to yourself ‘I wish I could write like this’?

Answer: Yes. Anything by Sherrilyn Kenyon or L.A. Banks … they have an amazing writing style that just sucks their readers in from the very first page, but if I had to pick just one book I would say

  1. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Answer: The best advice I was ever given was to stop guessing myself and to never let someone else’s rudeness or harsh words effect how I see myself. It’s easier and better to ignore someone being ugly to you than it is to engage with someone who is just being spiteful.

My Nominees:

Blanca of Beauty and More: Blanca is one of the sweetest people I’ve met on WordPress. She’s checks in on me to make sure I’m OK and she has a fabulous beauty and lifestyle blog.  

Miss B of Miss B Blogz Thingz Over: She has an amazing blog and her site is very visually appealing as well  

Kamina of Schoolspiration : Her website is full of great reads.

My Questions for the Nominees:

  1. How long does it take you to write a blog post?
  1. Have you ever gotten writer’s block and if so, what do you do to break the block?
  1. What do you draw inspiration from for your blog posts?

Well, that’s all dolls. I would like to once again thank the lovely Alex for this nomination. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night and that you are in good spirits and health.

Remember, Save a spoon for a bit of lipstick.

XOXO, Nita