Nominated for Another Sunshine Blogger Award!!


Hey doll hey!! How’s your day/night going? Great I hope.
I woke up this morning and found out BeBeautifuls nominated me for another Sunshine Blogger Award!!! I feel so blessed right now.
When I started this blog I never imagined in a 1,000 years that I would receive such amazing recognition from my peers. Thank you so much BeBeautifuls for thinking of me. It’s amazing to received recognition from such an amazing content creator!!

Seriously dolls … You must check out her blog she does all things beauty but she also does other content … you will never get bored!

The rules
Thank the blogger who nominated you in the post and link to their blog
Answer the 11 questions asked of you
List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post
Write a new list of 11 questions for your nominees
Nominate 11 bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award

My Questions
1. What is your favorite place ?
Disney World is my favorite place… It holds such nostalgic reverie for me. We went every year when I was a child and then my husband and I had our anniversary there and then went back 2 years later. Once we moved to Florida we went several times but haven’t been in sometime. My illness got worse and I just can’t make it around the parks as easily as I once did. Once I purchase a mobility scooter we plan to start going again.

2. What do you love to do in free time?
I research the latest makeup trends and newest makeup products. I also love to read and watch movies in my free time.

3. What are your favorite colors and associated style ?
Colors: Purple, Blue, Pink, and sometimes Green (but it has to be Kelly green).
Style: I love laid back comfy and cozy clothes. I also really love sophisticated chic.

4. What was the biggest surprise of your life?
Falling in love with my husband. It was a world wind right from the start and I met him at the lowest point of my life …. I didn’t expect to fall for him because he is much younger than me but from day 1 he swept me away.

5. If you get to live with one thing what it would be?
If you mean food wise … I would have to say Pasta.

6. What is your dressing preference ?
Because of my auto immune illnesses I chose comfort over style … My go to looks are a pair of yoga pants or a pair of joggers and a comfy tee-shirt or my favorite sweaters.

7. What was your favorite movie in 2019?
Hmmmm this one is tough for me: I’ll break it down into genres

Horror: Polaroid
Drama: Just Mercy


Romance: Sunrise in Heaven


Thriller: Fractured


Action: 6 Underground


Fantasy: Avengers End Game


Indie Film: Tony Morrison: The Pieces I Am


Documentaries: Don’t F**k With Cats Hunting an Internet Killer


Comedy: Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral

8. What you hate the most?
People who are intolerant of other cultures

9. What was the thought behind starting up blogging?
Honestly My hubby created this blog for me as a surprise. I have always loved makeup but felt that I was past my prime for YouTube so I would make little videos just for me and my family to see but he thought I should share my passion of both makeup and helping people understand Fibromyalgia with the world … so here we are several years later.

10. What did you learn on yourself during lock down?
That I can do things out of my comfort zone without fear. For example … I started sharing videos on TIKTOK without fear that someone will be mean …. I also reached out of my comfort zone and started trying new recipes in the kitchen.

11. Who is the pillar of strength in your life?

First and foremost my Lord and savior…. then My husband… he keeps my head above the water even when I don’t think I can go any further.

The 11 questions I would love to ask are:

1. If you could go back in time and visit with 1 pivotal person in history who would it be and why?

2. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

3. Since quarantine what has been your go to show to watch?

4. Have you learned anything new during this quarantine such as a new craft or skill? If so what is it?

5. What is your favorite movie of the past 10 years?

6. What is your biggest pet peeve?

7. What is the last book you’ve read?

8. If you could live anywhere else in the world where would you live and why?

9. What are some of your favorite traditions from your country?

10. Where do you want to be in the next 5 years? For example : I would love to own my own home within the next 5 years.

11. If you could be any Super Hero which 1 would it be and why?

I nominate the following bloggers

Lynn from Peculiar Blegian

Blanca from Beauty and More

Didi from Didi’s Not So Secret Diary

Pooja from Life’s Fine Whine

Arlene from That Girl Arlene

Mariana from My Cup of Three

Once again I would love to thank BeBeautifuls  for nominating me for this award.
With that said … that’s all dolls … I hope the rest of your day/night is a great one.
Remember … Save a spoon for a bit of lipstick.